Tuesday, December 31, 2019


I don't know how I met you,
I don't know why!
I will never want to turn around and say goodbye!
All I know is when I was with you,
You made me feel,
Everything just had its own purpose to be!

Can I - follow you, if you think its alright?
I don't think I am ready to be tucked in tonight!
I want to do more exploring,
And see what's missing,
That really needs to have been seen!

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Frozen leaf

When I did fall and thought I was gone,
I got trapped in water,
That was on the ground!
The water did freeze and I felt it on my skin,
'Twas way too cold for any survival instincts!
But least did I realize the ice on me,
Just kept me in a state that I was last seen!
My colours just remained,
My veins were preserved,
Though cut from life
In a way that wasn't heard!

Sometimes when all you think is you are dead,
Spare a thought or two to the preservers instead!
They might just be freezing but keep you at your best,
If you did realize it,
Be sure, you did your best!

Photo Credit: Jignesh Dekhtawala

Sunday, December 22, 2019

let us go! let us go! let us go!

Let us go! Let us go! Let us go!
The weather outside is delightful,
And the fire is getting to be frightful,
Since we have places to go,
Let us go! Let us go! Let us go!

It does show signs of stopping,
It will begin to freeze by next morning,
The sun will set per usual flow,
Let us go! Let us go! Let us go!

When I finally drive you uptown,
I will see the bicycle counter grow,
And Waterloo tracks it down,
To plan better for the people you know!

Oh, the weather outside is delightful,
And the fire is getting to be frightful,
Since we have places to go,
Let us go! Let us go! Let us go!

#kitchener #waterloo #cycling #uptownwaterloo #downtownkitchener

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Holiday Alert!

You better watch out,
You better not drive,
You better get driven by sober guys,
Holiday policing is all over town!
They might not know you when you were drinking, 
They might not know every shot you took,
They might not know when you had TOO much wine,
But they will come to know the truth!

Sunday, December 1, 2019


Quick. Quick. Slow,
On the dance floor.
An oil drum in between,
Imagined as if seen.

Drag your feet and pause,
To beats and don't get lost!
Giving or making a turn,
Are things you have to learn!

A frame that cuts across,
At the end of a rumba box,
Is named a cross body lead,
A hard one - or so it seems!

Cross your foot on the floor,
Going in rounds of three or more,
But stop at two times three,
And resume the beginning piece!

To break from the box we got,
A pattern of open walks,
One in set of three,
Another beats my memory!

Random Poetry

"To rain or to snow?"
The clouds want to know!
Missed in their choice? 
An ice pellet show!

Beat on windows, 
Beat on roads,
Beat on everything, 
Except green grass floor!

A gentle kiss on its forehead,
The grass just froze with a glow!
Can it keep this minute forever?
With time being on a roll?

The squirrels did forage food,
The geese were up in the trees,
The ice is now all around,
Making everything a skating ground!

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Grand River Canoeing

Canoeing at Grand River
“A stolen boat ride” - remember I did,
Rented a canoe to experience the bliss!
Enjoying Grand river is what we went for,
Hearing it’s too shallow for anyone to fall!

Hey! we are different, as testimony would stand,
With a hit on a rock, capsizing our plans!
My paddle just floated along with my thoughts,
When my knees just scraped, against hard rock!

The canoe got full and a bucket it became,
Getting harder to move, to any safe lane!
My cellphone did work, and I looked up above,
To thank good heavens that it retained its charge!
I called to the office and pat came reply,
“Empty the canoe, just do it - don’t standby!”

We pushed a little harder and got it to the shore,
Only to murmur, “It’s the wrong side, oh no!!”
We tilted it gathering all might that we could,
But water just gushed in and stayed where it stood!

At last we had some help that arrived,
To take us back in, but to the roadside.
We drove down a bridge we should have been underneath,
Does it matter anymore?
Doesn’t seem like, I think!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Rain rain go away

Rain rain go away,
People need you in another place,
Where drought and dryness all prevail,
Show thy magic with all thy grace!

Rain rain go away,
Show your bow if you need to stay,
VIBGYOR is all it states,
And drives a smile on every face :)

Oh No... Actually...

Rain rain go away,
I munched a big butter pound cake,
I need my evening walk in trails,
To burn the calories from what I ate :D :D

Saturday, June 1, 2019

GRT No 20

GRT Route No 20
I just hope she is on her way now,
I need to be home; I am sleepy right now.
From one aisle to another, I walked so much!
Picking up groceries? It's anything but fun!

Granted, she is definitely one of her kind,
But that is no reason to run so far behind!
A twenty odd minutes is all she will take,
If I let her go, miles will pile my way!
With three bags on hand - all loaded to brim,
Walking isn't an option, I will break myself from within!
So, I will wait - whatever the time it takes,
For GRT Route 20, to come by on its way!

Monday, May 13, 2019

Ontario Niagara Falls

Ontarian Niagara Falls
A big roar here and a big roar there,
A voice so soothing to those that are near!
The rising mist from near your feet,
Creates moving rainbows that will impress a beast!
Oh! From a distance, mountains I see,
Got nearer and realized it’s a cloud in the scene!
Stunning in the US and matchless from here,
You got me amazed, Niagara dear!

Monday, May 6, 2019

Nature symmetry geometry

Random Rumble - Nature, symmetry, geometry
A  picture is worth a thousand words,
And that is the reason my writing is terse!
Nature is inherently geometric you think,
With symmetrical patterns that are easy to link!
The pi which is indeed irrational you see-
Just hides in circle's circumference with glee!
But just when exiting with thoughts I told,
Chaos just struck my mind and  it goes -
"I am in Nature as much as a shape,
Please do recognize before it is late!" ;) :)

Sunday, May 5, 2019


A massive food factory that is one of a kind,
Taking in all CO2 leaving Oxygen behind!
Chlorophyll is a pigment that makes it look green,
When it varies in level, colours can be seen!
Caterpillar, locusts and insects do feed,
To a varying degree based on their need.
Modifications at times, they are definitely made,
As a thorn or tendril - whatever it takes!
Reticulate and parallel venations get seen,
Depending on the plant type, if you knew what I mean!

Saturday, April 20, 2019


Looking at the water, what do I see?
Very many tall and mighty trees!
An attempt to scale them-if you will,
Is not an easy task you can just fulfil!

Laws of Physics that were taught in a class,
Rush to my rescue from just nowhere!
Reflection was a topic - in optics I recall,
Mirrors, lenses and prism - we learnt about them all.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


The black clouds just froze with fright,
Giving way for the mighty white light.
But diffraction is what took place,
Scattering all the infrared rays!
Several half minutes is what it took,
For the light to reach down and wear this new look!
A ball of fire at a distance did glow,
With deep streak of yellow!
Speechless I turned with this sight,
For who can tell all wonders of the light!

Friday, April 5, 2019

Tree in the park

Seeing a tree from far away,
Does it have buds? Its hard to say!
But I just think I figured a link,
To "Automaton Theory", is what I think!

Seasons are but a finite four,
Spring, Summer, Fall and Cold.
Deterministic they have to be,
Whatever the path is deemed to be!

The cold Cold season just went by,
With freezing winds; snow and ice.
So its time for Spring to come,
In varied states of hue and sound!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Saturday walk in the park

Saturday walk in the park
Not rain. Not snow.
Just flurries?
I don't know!
"Weird weather", as someone told,
Has just begun to take its hold!

Off to the park, I did go,
The water level wasn't anymore low!
Huge puddles I spot, on the side of the trails,
The mallards were happy, treating them same as a lake!

It was almost dark, I decided to quit,
Walking to a road, whose name I did miss!
Lit up it was, with a festive look,
But it was time to be home,
There is dinner to be cooked! :D

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Spring Visitors

Spring visitor at Victoria park!
Not the mallard. Not the geese,
Find my name, if you please!
An yellow bill is what i got,
A dark black band encircling the spot!

I didn't come for food, I already ate,
My search is for a dance floor, on the frozen lake!
I danced and moved, as much as I wished,
And when 'twas time to relax, i just stood still.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Is it spring?

It is spring, yet its cold,
With icy wind taking hold!

The buds on trees? I hear them say,
"We need to sprout, please go away!
Your monochrome theme, had its stay!"

The hues of spring flowers, can never be matched,
With loads of food for the bees and wasps!

The Sun looked down and gently just said,
"I am staying up longer to do my very best!"

"Well...whatever", I said to myself,
Victoria park is present to help!
Rain or shine, wind or ice,
Well maintained trails are hard to come by!

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Just like that

Just like that
It isn't quite spring as what you thought,
When super white powder comes back with its mark!
"Flurries", they said, is all will it be,
Carried in wind that will add to the freeze!
My nose felt the freeze, yet I walked very slow,
Weber to Water from Queens did I go!
It being weekend, the buses come by,
On a schedule that's special and hard to get by!
To home I did make it and settle down in peace,
In the warmth of my hall, looking outside with ease!
The wind just picked up a pace i would say,
That is best viewed from inside,
with a real wide gaze!

Friday, March 15, 2019


10 is 2 if you just don't believe,
The system is called "binary",
If it helps for a feel?
It helped all logic get an electronic arm,
Which now twists and controls everything thats found.!
The power of binary is just so profound,
Does it leave us some chance
With its ever growing ground?

(Inspired by a comment from Rajesh Shanmugham)


A magic number indeed is four,
Keeping fishes alive beneath its fold!
Seasons of nature it does denote,
The square of an even prime,
Has this been told?

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Incentive at work!

An incentive is really all that you need,
To cheer up the day for all it has been,
Opening the letter to find what its got,
An exercise I would love! Or so was my thought!

Gingerly i go and open up my mail,
Finding what's inside turned my face pale!
I opened an app for my credit payments due,
Where the numbers i saw was way greater too! :D

Victoria Park II

Victoria Park - II
The ground was covered with snow and ice,
But Sun decided to show its might.
Worked very hard all days of this week,
Melting much of the ice using all of its heat.

Out came the clouds this evening today,
Hiding the Sun from having its way!
They invited Ms.Mist for a stay in the park,
Who took walkers and joggers - all by a shock!

Her beauty was quaint is all I can tell,
A walk in her presence was the inverse of hell.
Having stayed up for enough to talk,
She slowly moved out but kept me enthralled!

Thinking about her to home when I came,
Saw a double rainbow, through my window pane!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Ice ice baby

Ice ice baby!

Oh! What shape and form did you take?
Hardening yourself all through the way!
Expanding a eleventh of your volume you did,
Frictional forces? They hide in your grip!
Your colour is all but the same as your base,
Makes it harder to see and recognize your face!

Walking or running is definitely a scare,
Take no precautions and one can skid anywhere!
Scratch on the skin is the least you can give,
Or break some bone if you must, you will!

"Ice.Ice.Baby" is still what i say,
My levels of adipose leaves nothing at stake! :D

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Victoria Park

Victoria Park
The geese were back to sail,
On ice that lost its way.
Water rushed out with glee,
With beats of joy beneath!

The squirrel just lost its way,
Searching food on an icy trail,
The spring that just began,
Only melted the ice it can!

The branches of trees just swayed,
In the wind that blew today.
Cold yet pleasant it felt,
On a face that lost itself!

Rain or shine, this park is fine!
"Victoria" goes its name,
And its a definite Downtown fame!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sudden poetry

Random rumbling on a windy day

What song did it hear?
Is it sweet as it seems?
The lights chose to dance,
In the wind as it streams!
Not the rocking thunder,
Not the melody at play,
"I heard my song to dance to",
Is all it seemed to say!

Down the road I headed,
Flags just flapped and yelled,
"We are thrilled, though its chill,
care to join us today?"

But i just looked up and saw a crane high,
Starting to wonder,
"Will it fall on a passer by?"
The crane just stood, stared and said,
"I am neither flimsy nor unfed"

Then I walked to the park and I see,
Trees that swayed and danced with glee!
The paths were clean and there was no ice,
But does it even matter if its windy outside?

Finally, I chose to go - to Fairview mall during this show,
Hop I did onto bus number eight,
Which, any case, doesn't get there straight!
Winding did it go, on all the roadways,
Bored I got, following its pace!

Writing up crap isnt hard for me!
But posting it on Facebook?
I do it with glee :p:D

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Valentine Day

Oh it's a decade that just passed by,
With memories of love and hurt tossing wide!
Glow on your face, wink in your eye,
Got me laughing and crying - at the same time!

Its snowy and icy on the lanes outside,
But it is better than how my heart feels inside!
Frigid did it get from break up pains,
Will it ever warm up and not be the same?
I searched for an answer but never was it found,
And just when I see it, I hear its death sound!