First things first - don't look around for too much in terms of a movie review from me. I have never written one before and never felt like writing one too - until the time I happen to watch a quite good movie called Quick Gun Murugan :-)
Simplicity always attracts. This movie had everything very simple in it. No high fundoo stardom. Not much of a heavy logic or message. The idea seemed pretty simple and very very appealing to say the least - how to merge multiple movies that are new and old, with a variety of stars, into one single one, capturing the essence from everything. Of course, when we want everything, we do tend to lose on many things.. but that is not something a movie should be concerned about anyways? Or should it? I don't know, given that I am not a movie buff as such.
It was really a very well-thought out one I say ;-) Connecting the fact that Indians tend to love hot food with the dabbawalahs and then moving onto project the water scarcity when a lady under arrest shouts "It is time for the water lorry to come. I need to fetch my pail of water" - all within a few screens and spaced a few minutes apart, would certainly leave your mouth wide open and gasping for more..!
I think I am quite unable to do complete justice to this movie since I must admit that I also slept for sometime when the movie was on - but that is something I would've done in any case for any movie and hence Quick Gun Murugan cannot be blamed for that phenomenon. And I know I did miss on probably a few more enchanting numbers to which I could have probably set myself on my feet.
All in all, a highly recommended watch for anyone who likes a time-pass with some serious thinking behind the scenes - on whatever topic they would like to :-)
A highly imaginative movie. Starting from - the concept of life after death to - the picturization of classical cowboy days Chennai with saiva saapadu to - gravity-defying fights and stunts to - family sentiments and family values - to a lover boy - modern it all...its all there!
Jith: Certainly.. nobody can even think so much Jith.. Cannot agree more..!
Jith: Certainly.. nobody can even think so much Jith.. Cannot agree more..!
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