Call it the bloggers block or online lock, whatever - one thing I knew that was happening was this - I have literally kept my space on blogger rest in peace. Well, I wouldn't prefer taking the blame. I would rather talk about the fact that life was teaching me more lessons for a good part of the two years than before and hence it didn't allow me to be online for the most part.
"Brocheva vaare..." went the music on my phone, from the famous Shankarabaranam while exiting office along with my friends, in the lobby area. One of my friends promptly sprang up and said, "Hey Ravi, you know what? We have a similar song in Telugu". Even before he could come to terms with his excitement, the rest of the folks in the group stared at each other for a few minutes before bursting out aloud. Guess the initial verses from the song were good enough to make him even forget his own mother tongue - Telugu..!
More often that not, common sense seems to be the first casualty of formal education - or so did I understand when my friend and I were trying to fix the washing machine inlet for a little close until 2 AM in the morning on a fine friday night. While both of us might have been through the best of "engineering education" - theory pass, practical fail is what it all came to be..!! After a tough fight (no, I am not the one to give up so easily, even when I am wrong!), I realized that neither of us are getting anywhere closer to fixing the inlet proper and we were wasting quite a lot of water in the process. And what did we decide? My friend dropped out. Not the one to give up, I decide to hold the mouth of the pipe to the tap and finish off with washing my clothes before the crack of dawn. Exhausted, I slept for close until 10 AM into what should have been a nice saturday morning. Later during the day, deciding not to torture myself anymore with this exercise, I called up the plumber. And I was closely observing what he did, trying to find out what is that he is doing right that we were doing wrong. And lo behold, it was just a question of putting the washer in the right position..!! So much for observation..! Hope that I would fix it up the right way, should it break the next time around..!
Later in the day, my friend asked me if I managed to fix the machine's inlet myself. I replied, "No, I called the plumber". With his ever optimistic smile, he proudly said, "Ravi, we should have probably videographed what we did and had it on youtube. We could have at least found a place in world's funniest videos"
Nice to see you back in business after a long time. Keep blogging with your interesting real life story lines :)
I didn't quite get the telugu joke, but plumber was nice. :P
Good to read your blog again.. :)
Haha, nice to see you are back Ravi.
@Ayas: Thank you... sure, will do :)
@Arun: The crux of the joke is simple - the song was a Telugu song already
@Divya: Thank you
@Dino: Thank you
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