Sunday, June 9, 2019

Grand River Canoeing

Canoeing at Grand River
“A stolen boat ride” - remember I did,
Rented a canoe to experience the bliss!
Enjoying Grand river is what we went for,
Hearing it’s too shallow for anyone to fall!

Hey! we are different, as testimony would stand,
With a hit on a rock, capsizing our plans!
My paddle just floated along with my thoughts,
When my knees just scraped, against hard rock!

The canoe got full and a bucket it became,
Getting harder to move, to any safe lane!
My cellphone did work, and I looked up above,
To thank good heavens that it retained its charge!
I called to the office and pat came reply,
“Empty the canoe, just do it - don’t standby!”

We pushed a little harder and got it to the shore,
Only to murmur, “It’s the wrong side, oh no!!”
We tilted it gathering all might that we could,
But water just gushed in and stayed where it stood!

At last we had some help that arrived,
To take us back in, but to the roadside.
We drove down a bridge we should have been underneath,
Does it matter anymore?
Doesn’t seem like, I think!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Rain rain go away

Rain rain go away,
People need you in another place,
Where drought and dryness all prevail,
Show thy magic with all thy grace!

Rain rain go away,
Show your bow if you need to stay,
VIBGYOR is all it states,
And drives a smile on every face :)

Oh No... Actually...

Rain rain go away,
I munched a big butter pound cake,
I need my evening walk in trails,
To burn the calories from what I ate :D :D

Saturday, June 1, 2019

GRT No 20

GRT Route No 20
I just hope she is on her way now,
I need to be home; I am sleepy right now.
From one aisle to another, I walked so much!
Picking up groceries? It's anything but fun!

Granted, she is definitely one of her kind,
But that is no reason to run so far behind!
A twenty odd minutes is all she will take,
If I let her go, miles will pile my way!
With three bags on hand - all loaded to brim,
Walking isn't an option, I will break myself from within!
So, I will wait - whatever the time it takes,
For GRT Route 20, to come by on its way!