Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thank You Series - I

We all get helped several times without us really asking for it and at the right moment of time. Often, we don't get enough an opportunity to dwell on those incidents or thank the people involved enough. I decided to do it a a series - try recollecting as many such moments that I have had and put them into my blog. 

I land in the Hartford Bradley International airport. I pull out the quarters that my friend from Chennai had given me. She gave at least a $5 worth quarters (if I recollect proper!) primarily with a "been there, done it" kind of a look :) I find what is the purpose when I landed @ Hartford - coin phones. I need to make a call. I look around to see where the coin phones are located and find one. I am dropping in quarter after quarter and trying to call the number I had with me. Nothing worked. The coins were returned or got consumed without the actual call getting through. With a hopeless face, I look around. The airport was getting deserted by every passing minute. Only a pretty young lady was sitting on the chairs near the pay-phones. 

With much hesitance, I approached her and asked, "Ma'am, can you help me understand how to use this phone? I am new to the country and don't think I quite follow how to use it. While all I wanted was some help to use the phone, she took out her mobile, smiled at me and said, "You can use this to make your call..!!"  I took her phone with some hesitation too.. because I had the money to use the public phone but I just couldn't figure out how to use it..!! It was embarrassing that I had the money but didn't figure out how to use it for a pay phone. But anyways, could not do anything at that moment. Took it. Dialed my friend's number and spoke for split second asking him to come over as soon as possible. 

She gently smiled and told, "You needn't have been THAT fast on the phone.!!" I for one - do not know how expensive a call from a mobile can be. So, I blurted out things at a lightening speed to my friend. This wasn't the best part. She was with me until I told her I could really see my friend coming..!! Height of help that I got after landing in a foreign country. My many a thanks to that young and pretty lady (No, I am not using these adjectives because she helped me. She was young and pretty for real) 


Ram Ram said...

too good buddy..enjoy..have fun!!

Arun said...


Sab said...

I wonder how you always get a "Pretty" lady near pay phones or whenever you get into some "trouble".... Good for you...

Narayanan said...

I have had many such experiences... Nice to see that I am not alone

Ayaskant said...

Not at all a bad thing to start your proceedings in US though. As Sabesh said earlier, its pretty ladies "ONLY" who always come to "Save Your Soul". There is no way I would deny that fact... when I saw it happening to you "twice" in recent times.

Jasmine said...

Good one!! and good comments just trying to remember if I helped U ??!!??? hehehhee

Unknown said...

So that was your starting of interactions with pretty gals in US which still continues.... ;-)

Unknown said...

U know what? Most of them who belong to this place do not know to use the pay phones. Similar incident happened with me too in London.. But the lady (don't remember if she was "pretty" :P)was patient enough to wait for her husband to help me out and then waited till my call went through and the couple then rushed up to board their flight.It was a timely help and very kind of them!

Unknown said...

I don't know if I am missing something here. Why is that, everytime, only pretty girls help you out while you are in distress?

Ravi said...

Subramanian, Nature: Thanks for dropping by.

Sabesh, Ayas: Thanks for dropping by. But I don't know how to answer your question.

Narayanan: Good to know I am not alone :)

Jasmine: roflol on your comment :) Yes madam, you did help me in Hartford - in another context at another point in time :)

Praveen: Thanks for dropping by. Well.. you want to call it that way - I can't do anything :p

Divya: Thanks for dropping by. And yeah, it is interesting when you are being helped by strangers!

Venkat: Thanks for dropping by. But I don't think I know any answers to your question either..!!